About 14 years ago, one of the men in our congregation was feeling very much down. I suggested we have a coffee, and subsequently during our coffee and chat found out that he had been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
I was pretty much out of my depth and asked Geoff Hinde to come along to coffee with us the next week. Our friend did not pass away in the 6 months predicted with his initial diagnosis but survived another 6 years and was a joy to be with.
Over the next few months other men came along and the group grew to upwards of about 12 but generally 10 of us meet each Friday. Though the numbers may vary between 10 and 12, our tradition of scones and jam and cream has been a constant.
This is not a structured group – there are no rules and people come and go as they please.
Our numbers include a few teachers, a valuer, a chemical engineer, a bank manager, company directors, a ship’s pilot and even a follower of the Melbourne Football Club!
Conversation covers politics, sport (mainly football or cricket, and with everyone an expert), the economy, computers, travel and anything else that comes to mind.
The meetings can become quite heated but I guess we all go away feeling we have learned something.
This is a diverse group, independent, not afraid to express their point of view, but they have one thing in common, their belief in Christ.
If you have spare time on Friday from 10:00am to 12noon, come and join us.
The venue changes nowadays but you would be most welcome to participate.
For further details please contact me: John Angwin on 0422 429 909 or Geoff Hinde on 9589 7400.