What does the Uniting Church believe?
The Uniting Church in Australia (according to its Basis of Union) is a Christian community who:
worships the one God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
trusts in Jesus Christ
the divine One who became human, died and rose for the world (Par 1, 3),
shares God’s love with all people
across barriers of race, gender and class (Par 1, 2),
seeks unity within the whole church
that the world may believe in Christ (Par 2),
hears Christ through the Scriptures
in which he meets, feeds and guides us (Par 5),
celebrates baptism and the Lord’s Supper
in which Christ embraces and feeds God’s people (Par 6-8),
affirms the faith of the whole church
in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds (Par 9),
engages with issues of our time
confessing Christ in fresh words and deeds (Par 11),
believes God’s Spirit gives gifts
to all members and calls them to serve God in the world (Par 13f),
prays that God will be praised and glorified
in the Church’s worship, witness and service (Par 15-17).
believes God’s Spirit gives gifts
to all members and calls them to serve God in the world (Par 13f),
prays that God will be praised and glorified
in the Church’s worship, witness and service (Par 15-17).
The Synod of Victoria offers this statement as a notice pointing to the Basis of Union , not an interpretation of it.
The origin of this statement
The Synod of Victoria, of the Uniting Church in Australia, met in September, 1999, and approved this statement as “suitable for a public notice recalling some major emphases of the Basis of Union “.
The Basis of Union is the foundational document of the Uniting Church in Australia.