Congregation Rosters

The Congregation relies on the voluntary work of its members in order to operate in a meaningful way. It is very much appreciated if the members of the Congregation volunteer in what ever capacity they can. The rewards and benefits are many fold – it is a key means of fellowship and importantly you will contribute to the betterment of the local church and wider community.

Click on the link to read the following combined roster: (these are in pdf format)

Combined Roster with Elders – Communion, Elders & Welcome & Offering Stewards – Duty Roster plus Tea & Coffee Roster
 Download Rosters for July – end of October 2024
>> BUC Rosters from July – End of October 2024   
 The list of duties to be carried out with each roster at St. Martin’s are outlined in the links below:
>>  Elders Duties
>>  Communion Elders Duties
>>  Door & Welcome Stewards Duties
>>  Offering Stewards Duties
>>  Tea and Coffee Stewards Duties

If you would like to add your name to a roster or to make a change to your rostered duty, please contact the following organisers: