Advent is the season which leads into the celebration of Christ’s birth at Christmas. During Advent we heard about the events leading up to the nativity and we lit a series of candles which spoke of the themes of HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE. On Christmas Day we lit the fifth candle for the Christ Child.
On Sunday 11th December – we had a special Children’s Service and the placing of Christmas gifts under the empty Christmas Tree. It was a very special service and some little people acted out the nativity story. Launch Housing (previously Hanover Services) were extremely grateful for the generous donations of gifts.

Children’s Christmas Service
On Sunday 18th December a choir of about 20, comprising our Singers, plus friends and relatives, presented the cantata “Night of Miracles” to a congregation of about 60. Retelling the story of the nativity in song and word, it was an enjoyable performance. Our thanks go to the choir and special thanks to Geoff Hinde who conducted with patience and perception, to soloists: Katrina Pezzimenti, Graeme Webster, Shirley Tillett and Geoff Hinde himself, and to our pianist Tanya Chaves.
Christmas Eve – the 40th Anniversary of the Beaumaris Community Carols was held at the Beaumaris Community Centre. This started out as a gathering of families at St Martin’s Church and grew so popular that a larger venue was sought. This was an exceptional night of choral singing with the Southern Community Band accompanying the MLOC (Mordialloc Light Opera Company). St Martin’s Choir did a number of pieces and Katrina and Lucinda Pezzimenti also performed some duets. Our own Roger Wilson O.A.M.,was the compere for the 39th time!