
 “Empty” Christmas Tree at our local Community Branch of Bendigo Bank

Our church’s latest Mission involves working with the Beaumaris Community Branch of the Bendigo Bank to place an “EMPTY” Christmas Tree at the bank for gifts and non-perishable food items to be placed under by members of our local community. This proved to be an extremely successful mission. These goods were delivered to Family Life in Cheltenham for distribution to members of our community who are facing tough times in the lead up to the Festive Season. Thanks to Wendy Hinde for donating the tree, decorations and tub for goods, Alison Davies for the art work and communication with the bank and Graeme McLean for transporting the three loads of items to the delighted staff at Family Life. This was a wonderful community collaboration – we supplied the flyers, posters and tree and the bank spread the word, firstly by emailing all of the Concourse Traders. The traders were extremely generous and Bruce Edmunds and Associates put it out on social media, which in turn encouraged local people to donate. The response was overwhelming and the bank will continue to have a tub for non-perishable food items in the bank on a permanent basis. The bank staff were enthusiastic and loved encouraging their customers to participate and explaining what it was all about.

We will certainly be doing this again next year with our Community Bank and will start in mid-November.