Barbecue for Frontier Services at Bunnings Mentone

Inspired by Frontier Services (who we have supported over many years) St Martins ran a sausage sizzle at Bunnings Mentone on Tuesday 3rd December, under threatening skies and gusty winds.

The wintry conditions only served to stir the need for sustenance as we fed hundreds of tasty sausages, onions and soft drinks to a steady stream of hungry Bunnings customers from 9.00am right through to 4.00pm. Many customers also contributed to the donation tin we set up on the counter. All together we sent a cheque off to Frontier Services for. $2,052!!

Our erstwhile volunteers were magnificent in their dedication to the task of raising much needed funds for our drought-stricken farmers across this wide and (very) brown land. Frontier Services are incredibly grateful for our small but significant efforts to support their important work in the Outback.

Special thanks to all the members of the church who volunteered and also made donations.

Little did we know how vital this donation would become as since that time our frontier dwellers have suffered bushfires, hail storms and floods.

Nick Toovey – Missions Committee.