Sunday 10 December 2017
On this Sunday the congregation brought unwrapped gifts to place under the “Empty Christmas tree” for distribution by Family Life in Cheltenham to those experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis.
All worshippers contributed and an abundance of gifts was duly delivered to Family Life, who were extremely grateful. The gifts were distributed to families in the community less fortunate than we are, during the following week.
The service included a children’s Christmas story time and related activities as well as a blessing for the 2017 children and families of Beaumaris 3 year old Kinder & St Martin’s (Friday Morning) Playgroup along with any members, family, friends of our church.
>> Download the photographs of the 2017 Children’s Christmas Service

Merry Christmas from the Beaumaris Uniting Church
Friday 1st December 2017
Our Congregation Christmas dinner was a great celebration to the start of the Christmas season. The buzz of conversation and laughter and the beautiful singing of many old, favourite carols, around the piano with Jeanette Barklamb and orchestrated by Geoff Hinde, made it a very special night of fellowship within the church. Thanks to all who brought food, those who set everything up and cleared away. Because of the excellent numbers (55) there was a profit of $132 which has been used to purchase additional gifts for the Empty Christmas Tree.

The wonderful spread of food at the Christmas Dinner

Geoff Hinde and Jeanette Barklamb lead Carols at the Christmas Dinner