Easter Day “The Empty Tomb – He Is Risen”

Easter Garden St Martins
“An exceptional day!”
An air of festivity greeted the congregation as they entered the church on Easter Sunday – with the Easter Garden the first sign of the celebration of the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ, the son of God.
Rev. John and Ann dressed as angels, began the service with the skit “An Exceptional Day”.
The St Martins Singers and Elders led a procession into the church. Then the service celebrated the glorious promises of eternal life for all who believe in Jesus. The “Easter Carol” was sung with conviction by the St Martin’s Singers, while each hymn sung throughout the service recognised the joy that Jesus had risen from the dead.
During Children’s Time Ann shared an Easter story then told the children of the significance of eggs at Easter – as a symbol of life during a time associated with renewal and rebirth. The young ones then distributed chocolate eggs to everyone at the service.
A special thanks to all the members of the church who brought flowers and plants and assembled the beautiful garden.