Sunday 8th April 2018

Low Sunday Shenanigans
The Sunday after Easter Sunday is traditionally known as “Low Sunday”, probably so named because of its relative unimportance in contrast with Easter Sunday.
Last Sunday 8th April Reverend John Connan asked all members of the Congregation to wear bright colours and “silly hats” and bring along funny religious jokes to share with the congregation. The Service Sheet began with the words “Because this is a day of the unexpected, the Order of Service may include the following but who knows exactly what their sequence may be?!” and that’s exactly how it was. Rev. Connan’s reflection was based largely around the “Smiling Christ” and the joy that emanated from his preachings and that’s exactly how the service transpired. Not a single member of the congregation left without a feeling of joy in their hearts and a broad smile on their faces. Each hymn was sung with fervour – hymns such as Rejoice the Lord is King, Lord of the Dance, Give Me Joy in My Heart, Rejoice in the Lord Always and Again I Say Rejoice, Joy is the flag flown high from the castle of my heart, and finally You Shall Go Out With Joy and Be Led Forth in Peace.
For a Low Sunday we all went out on an absolute high!!!!

Holy Humour Sunday

Low Sunday Jokes