Fete 2018

Annual Twilight Fete & Community Event – Friday 9 November
Beaumaris Uniting Church (St Martins) held its annual twilight fete and community event on Friday 9tn November.
The huge effort put into the fête by a large team of members of our congregation was rewarded by a good result given the circumstances with rain at a critical time. It is expected that the net result will be in the vicinity of $3,500 once our expenses and sales are finalised.
Many stalls were set up including the sellout Cakes plus Marmalade and Jams, Craft, Christmas Gifts; Pre-Loved Books, Clothing, Plants, White Elephant Stall, and a sausage sizzle.
There were many fun activities for the children – Face Painting, Toys, Sweets and a Dora the Explorer Jumping Castle plus a range of activities on the lawn and in the kindergarten.
Many people enjoyed a devonshire tea or coffee, and later on something from the barbecue tent for dinner along with their family and friends.
We are grateful for the provision of two advertising boards by Century 21 Real Estate in Beaumaris, a General Waste Skip from Veolia and the collection of all unsold items by Lentara – Uniting Care. Many local shops provided goods at wholesale prices for which we are thankful.
>> View some of the photographs of the event
There are only a limited number as we were all too busy making the Fete a success!!