A little shy of forty of us, including several friends of the congregation gathered after the service last week to enjoy an afternoon of pizza, soup and Seekers’ songs. The generous proceeds from the luncheon, including several ‘lucky number’ hampers, provided much needed support to the tireless work of Frontier Services.
Our musical entertainment was provided by Ali and her string band “The Fun Seekers” who played all the great hits from Australia’s most popular ‘soft’ band, the Seekers. All of the members of the band came from Ali’s famous Ukulele group – LUKES (Longbeach Ukulele Club).
Special thanks to all the pizza cooks, those who prepared the soups and those who made the yummy sweets for us to enjoy. And a massive thank you to Wendy who organised it all. Thanks to those who helped to set up the hall on Saturday evening and thanks to everyone who helped to pack it all up again after the lunch and who washed the dishes. Where would we be without the Websters, the Hindes, Marg Thorburn, Suzy Toovey, Barbara Cohen and Ali on these occasions.
*On a personal note, Ali’s husband John needed to be hospitalised following a heart event during the afternoon. His daughter Carlie went with him to hospital in the ambulance. Forever the trooper, Ali and her band played on despite their obvious concern for John. He remains in our prayers and best wishes during his recovery.