Following the lighting of the Advent Candles by the Webster twins, we were treated to a beautiful Carols Service last Sunday 24th December, featuring an enlarged St Martins Choir led by Geoff Hinde which led us in singing our favourite Christmas Carols. We thanked our very generous pianist Rhonda who provided the accompaniment during rehearsals as well as playing for us during the service.
We were also pleased to welcome Katrina Pezzimenti (Wendy and Geoff’s daughter) as a soloist during the Carols Service. Her contribution added another string to the Choir’s bow of traditional Christmas carolling that St Martins has become well known for over the past four or five decades in the Bayside Community.
We also had some visitors from Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, and from Germany and Sydney at the Carols Service. News of the event has travelled across the world!